- Asset Stewardship and the Board’s Tools for Understanding and Improving Operational Efficiency
- Board Engagement in Risk Oversight
- Board Legal Fiduciary Duties
- Community Benefit Committee Charter
- Compliance Oversight: Responsibilities and Best Practices
- Conflict of Interest and Governance
- Decision Authority Matrix
- Governing in an Era of Greater Transparency – A Proactive Approach
- Helping Boards Achieve and Demonstrate Accountability
- Ready for the Spotlight
- Risk Governance Under Health Reform
- Rural Hospitals: A Different Take on Conflict of Interest
- Sample Board Accountability Statement for a Community Hospital
- Sample Board Policy on Confidentiality
- Sample Code of Conduct
- Sample General Principles Regarding Conflict of Interest
- Sample Policy for Open Board Meetings for Public or Government Hospitals
- The Board’s Fiduciary Role: Legal Responsibilities of Health Care Governing Boards
- The Evolving Accountability of Nonprofit Health System Boards
- The Evolving Landscape of Non-Profit Corporate Governance: The Changing Nature of the Duties of Directors and Officers to Their Organizations
- Using Stakeholder Feedback to Set Strategy and Manage Risk
The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc./Kaiser Foundation Hospitals board is undergoing an audit of its committees conducted by the organization’s Internal Audit department as part of the board’s ongoing governance effectiveness activities. A review of the following committee charters has been included in the audit process.