Community Benefit Committee Charter
Approved March 10, 2004
Revised June 24, 2010
A. Composition.
The Community Benefit Committee (“Committee”) shall consist of a minimum of four(4) Directors, and may, in addition, include up to three non-Directors as full votingmembers. The chairperson of the Committee shall have an understanding of (1)community and government expectations for nonprofit health care organizations, (2) federaltax exemption requirements, for hospitals and health plans with respect to communitybenefit, and (3) approaches to community benefit by improving care and access forvulnerable populations, promoting community health, and engaging in research andeducation.
B. Authority and Duties.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (“Health Plan”), Kaiser Foundation Hospitals(“Hospitals”) and their nonprofit tax-exempt subsidiaries are organized for, and their assetsare irrevocably dedicated to, public and charitable purposes. The Committee has beenestablished to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to (1)extending and strengthening community service benefit and value provided by HealthPlan, Hospitals and the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (“Program”), (2)fulfilling the mission and brand of Health Plan, Hospitals and the Program; (3) fulfilling therequirements and expectations of Health Plan and Hospitals as nonprofit tax-exemptorganizations with respect to community benefit; and (4) providing direct communitybenefit to the larger community, in addition to the Program’s membership, at the national,regional and local level.